Articles on: Synchronization

Enable Access Tokens for GitLab

Axolo Two Way Synchronization on GitLab by default relies on the credential of the person who installed it. For better reliability you can add a Group Access token (Paid Version of GitLab) or a Personal Access token.

This guide will show you how to get it from GitLab and add it to your Axolo account.

1. Get your token from GitLab:
Navigate to your Group settings/ Access token (or to your Personal Access token for personal tokens)
Click on Add New token
Select scope API with at Owner Role (Axolo needs owner role to be able to handle webhooks settings)
Save your generated token for Step 2

Group Access token

2. Submit your token to Axolo dashboard
Login to
Go to settings/integrations (1 and 2)
Paste your token in the dedicated space like on the screenshot below (3)

Axolo dashboard GitLab Access token

Updated on: 06/08/2024

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